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The sand on the ground was red. Crimson red. It was in a near perfect circle, only nothing that ever happened was perfect. Foliage grew around it, but not a single leaf or thorn was one inch over the dry red sand. The day was cold but bright, golden and red leaves falling off the trees to coat the ground in a mass of cover for the small critters of the forest. But not a single leaf went near that circle. Any animal that happened to pass skittered by as though hurried by some unseen presence. A fox, hunting the small animals before they disappeared under the ground for the winter, gave a nervous bark before leaping over a log towards safer ground. A while later, a majestic, 12 pronged stag stepped delicately over the log and stopped a few centimeters away from the circle. His ears twitched now and again, but otherwise he did not move. He was shortly joined by a younger buck, who kept more distance. 
"Tharn, the council summons you," The buck said nervously. Tharn was silent for a moment, before replying,
"Do you remember what happened here?" The buck gave an unwitting twitch, before replying.......

“Not well” said Dagon, “It is not talked about much.”
“Well, then, the council can wait. Before I go, it is important you understand what has occurred.” Tharn spoke quietly, yet with a stern authority Dagon could not refuse.

Many years in the past, before the council came into being, the woods were wild.  We had no governing body, but there was order.  Someone decided we needed a leader.  There was an immense reaction, but our ancestors were not in agreement.  Some said we did, yet others disagreed.  How could one among us just step into that position? A compromise had to be reached.

In those long ago days, legends and tales walked the land.  There were some who had the power of enchantment.  They were accounted wise by our ancestors.  Since these enchanters lived apart from others, they were also considered neutral.  So, the wisest of our ancestors, both those who wanted a single leader and those who were wary of the idea, went to meet with the greatest living enchanter, Dorian.

Dorian was hard to find.  The elders looked for weeks for him.  Finally, near this place, they found him.  Long was their council together, arguing the merits of leadership versus the system they were using.  Dorian said little during all this, but absorbed every word that was said.  He asked them to stay where they were for three days while he went to ponder all that was said.  The elders agreed.

The days passed slowly for the waiting elders.  At times, they heard noises strange and terrible.  At other times, it was an unearthly silence all about them.  They weren't sure which was worse.  At the end of the third day, Dorian came to them.  He asked for food and water, and to be allowed to sleep.  The elders were so startled that they all sat up and kept watch over him the night through.

The next morning, Dorian awoke, but he looked much older than when the elders came for his council.  He asked them to gather round, and he spoke to them.

“You have lived many generations as you are.  Now, many among you want leadership.  There are many who would abuse that power.  Yet times are coming where you will need strong leaders.  Strange creatures that walk on two legs will come, and we who you count so wise will not live forever.  Our kind is coming to an end.  I have devised a test for those who would lead you.  Come with me and I will tell you how it shall be administered.”

The elders were silent, trying to keep their minds on the task at hand even while trying to digest the news Dorian gave them.  So, they followed silently as they were lead to a small clearing.  The sun shone through the surrounding trees, yet the clearing seemed swathed in shadow.  In its center was a perfect ring of sand, fine grained as beach sand but a deep brown as the loam of the forest.

They all stared in wonder at this ring of sand.  Some were astounded at the workmanship of it, but not a few wondered how a pretty circle would solve their trouble.  

Dorian saw the impatience.  He let them ponder for a few moments. One of the youngest of the elders,  a strong buck, started walking toward the circle.  Dorian spoke.

“Unless you wish to make claim as a leader, do not enter that circle. There is deeper power in it than any of you know.  It is the proving place of all who would stand forth to lead you.”

The buck who stepped forward turned and looked questioningly at Dorian.

“How is some brown sand going to solve anything? I marvel at the perfection of your circle, aye, and the color of the sand as well.  But I don't see how that is going to help.”

They all looked at him, the elders astonished that one would speak such foolish words, especially to such a powerful enchanter.  Dorian replied calmly.

“I see you doubt what has been wrought here.  Let me tell you about it, and then if you like you may test it, though I don't advise that course of action.  Once one has declared his intention to lead, as many of your kind who are able shall bring him here.  When he stands in the clearing, the eldest present shall ask him to confirm he wishes to lead.  If the buck quakes in fear, or regrets his decision, he is free to decline the trial with no shame.  If he has denied it once, however, he may not attempt it again.  If he accepts the trial, he shall step into this ring.  He shall be confronted within by the most grotesque thing his mind has ever conceived.  It shall be real to him, though it will not pass out of the ring.  He must then deal with what his mind has created.  He shall not leave the ring until he has dealt with his mind, or it has overcome him.  If he overcomes, you will know he is strong, brave, and wise.  If he is overcome, another must step forward.  In this way shall you have many years of relative peace and prosperity.  Its power won't last forever, though.”

The buck was incredulous.  He wondered how such a thing could happen.  

“If it is as you say, wise Dorian, then I am a fool for wishing to try your ring.  Yet, I cannot come to believe that such a thing can be.  I will step into the ring.”

“As you wish.” replied Dorian.

All the elders watched in dismay as the buck looked their way, then turned resolutely toward the ring.  In their remembrance later, it seemed his look was one of fear, though they never spoke of it.

He stepped forward, then paused.  None know what he thought in that moment.  He stood himself as tall has he could, then stepped into the circle of sand.

A flash of light came from the sand, and suddenly before the buck was a shadow shape.  No one could hear whether he screamed, or was yelling at it.  He made the silent sound for a few moments, and was consumed by the shadow.  There was another flash of light, and the buck was outside the circle, dead.

Dorian looked sadly at the body.

“It is not wise for one who is not ready to attempt the trial.  Only the wisest and stoutest of heart can come through.  His name shall not continue in your memory, but the tale of his foolishness shall.”

The elders stood dumbfounded, yet they knew Dorian spoke well.  They took their leave after they moved the buck's body to the trees.

They made it back to their kin much faster than they found Dorian.  Every one was anxious to hear what had transpired, and the elders related everything, only omitting the name of the buck, as Dorian had instructed.

A week passed while the news was digested and all searched their hearts.  Finally, a bachelor buck came forth and made known his desire to go through the trial.  So, as many as could went forth to the place, and the buck still desired the trial.  So he stepped in.  There was light again, and a shadowy figure.  The buck strove long, and emerged victorious.  Those who were assembled knelt in awe and honor of his new position.  He was named Lepog, leader.  

Generations passed.  Each time the Lepog passed to his rest, a new trial took place.  Many failed, and their families mourned.  But always a new Lepog was found.

Rumor came of things on two legs wandering the edge of the forest.  It had been many years since any of the enchanters had been seen.  The last Lepog had passed, and they were waiting for a new trial to take place.  Some felt they should befriend these new comers, and help them.  Others felt they should be eradicated before they had chance to harm the way of life they knew.

There was a wicked buck in their clans at that time.  He was strong, it was true, but his heart was vile and black.  He stepped forward and asked to take the trial. Since no one else was stepping forward, they had to trust to the ring to cull him out.  All but the very young, the very old, and the nursing mothers left for this trial.  It was the biggest turn out any trial had ever had.  

When they arrived at the clearing, there was the enchanter Dorian!  It was accepted that he was dead, as it had been many many years since the ring was created.  

“I see you are all surprised.  I am the last of my kin, but my fate is tied with my work here.  I see that my end shall come today if this buck takes the trial.  However, I cannot ask him not to. I fear, though, that he shall rend the power of the circle for evil, for all time.”

All stood silent, absorbing his words.  The evil-hearted buck spoke.

“Why do we fear him or his words?  He is old and feeble, and surely knows not that which he speaks of!  How do we even know it was he who constructed this ring?  Stand aside, old one.  I shall take the trial.”

All stepped back in fear.  The buck stepped in the ring.  There was a flash of light, as expected, but there was also an earthquake.  The assembled clans trembled in fear and did not look.  

When the ground stopped moving, they stood.  When they looked, the buck was standing in the ring, but it was no long a perfect circle, nor was it the deep brown of forest loam.  It was blood red.  The buck stood now taller, with more malice in his eyes.

Many turned to Dorian for an explanation of what had happened.  He was lying on the ground, gasping for breath when they came to him.

“Evil heart ... the power could not ... prevent him .... ring is now a place of evil .... and his power is increased ...”

His chest heaved, as the new Lepog's laugh rang out.

“The ring .... will never choose your leader .... must learn ... to lead yourselves ..... beware his rule!”

With those words, Dorian passed.  It was truly the end of the enchanters in the wood.  Lepog laughed again, and all turned to him.

“I declare we will fight these two leggers! No running home to say goodbye, we go now!  Any who do not follow shall be counted treasonous when I return, and shall face death worse than any the two leggers could deal!”

Most went, for fear of the wrath of Lepog.  A few fled to the forest.  And so the battle began.  Many months it ran.  The clans were strong, but they had not weapons other than hooves and horns.  The two leggers had sticks they could shoot through the air, and they threw rocks.  In that way they were able to keep out of range of the perilous bucks.

Eventually many of the clans perished.  Some escaped back to their homes.  Lepog was cruel in his leadership in battle.  He sent the weakest in the front of any charge.  However, he was taken down by a rock thrown that was intended for one of his brothers.  When Lepog passed, all who were yet alive declared a truce, and left for home.

Tharn looked at Dagon.  There were tears in his mighty eyes.  

“Many of our ancestors perished, needlessly.  Now, there is constant mistrust between us and the two leggers.  We have learned to govern ourselves, though.  A few years after the battles, once wounds were healed and sniping stopped, the council was formed.  Many years it has guided us, and peace has come back, at least mostly.  Remember what I have told you, always, that our kin will remember and keep evil from having power.”

Dagon bowed his head in agreement.  And the two turned and walked off to meet with the council.
My entry for :iconlarka-white-wolf:'s contest. The portion in italics belongs to her and is posted with permission, the remainder is mine.

Not my normal type of writing, but it was fun.
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